What we do

The company has been able to acquire and retain top brands with quality service. We have always offered customers good value for money and have been content with reasonable margins. We’ve widespread our wings into domains and services like –

& Manpower

Our recruitment services are guaranteed to meet all your talent acquisition needs. We have mastered sourcing candidates for different industries for various job profiles. Time-bound ideal candidate sourcing being our forte.

Travel & Tourism

We provide you with services like flight booking, hotel booking and customised Tour packages.
We couple the best rates with great services making your personal and professional travel a thrilling experience. With the foresight to seize the opportunities in the domestic travel market, brought on by a slew of new airlines, we offer travellers the convenience of online travel bookings at rock-bottom prices.


Unknown future shouldn’t bother us. Insure through us and be secure. We assist you with Life Health and General Insurance including vehicles, homes, small, and big businesses, etc. We help in taking new insurance products.

Finance & Investment

With our economy on the cusp of a positive jump, we are here to advise and assist in Investment Products. We provide advisory, financing, and risk management services to large companies, institutions, and government clients.